Why Should You be Sceptical about Global Warming / Climate Change ?

All I would ask you to do is to look at this with an open and questioning mind and to not accept ‘facts’ blindly.

Science is about scepticism, questioning, checking and verifying to ensure that what is claimed can be proven, not just by the person who makes the claim, but replicated and proven independently by others.

What will follow and be posted here is a Note I prepared for someone to explain why I believe that anyone who believes in both science and scientific principles - and distrusts politicians - should be sceptical of the claims made about Global Warming / Climate Change.
Note Below

A slightly edited version of the email note I sent to a neighbour



Dear xxxxxxxx

Let me see if I can lead you towards a less-accepting and perhaps more sceptical view of 'Global Warming / Climate Change' ! But you can just ignore this if you prefer - and I hope it's not too long ........ and bits in bold aren't 'shouting' but for emphasis and to help break this up into chunks that are easier to find again if wanted . I can provide reference for facts or quotes below.

This is a somewhat different, fact and science based, perspective on 'climate change' to that which appears in the MSM - it is from areas I have researched for my own interest.

Just look at this with an open and questioning mind rather than accepting ‘facts’ blindly. Science is about scepticism, questioning, checking and verifying to ensure that what is claimed can be proven, not just by the person who makes the claim, but replicated and proven independently by others.

A key reason why I feel strongly is that 25 years ago I was a signed-up believer and advocate of global warming - and very active in all sorts of environmental areas including TV and radio interviews. But then about 7 or 8 years ago I began to look into Global Warming / Climate Change and started to study the science and the published papers in some depth, both inside and outside of the IPCC. It was something I hadn't done before.

What I found, and continue to find, took me to an absolute conviction that this is, as a matter of fact, an artificially constructed scare for political ends. I later found out that the founder of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' (AGW) and also the founder of the IPCC, Maurice Strong, (and it was he who laid down the IPCC's remit and operating guidelines) has been widely reported as stating that “Global Warming” was a deliberately invented scare for the sole, political purposes of creating an unelected global government and for de-industrialising civilisation. (some quotes from him below)

Sceptics, and I am one, are people who have looked at the data and the science with an open, critical and questioning mind - as anyone, be they layman or scientist, should. No scientists dispute that the earth has warmed very slightly (although there are valid and genuine reasons to question about by how much) or that climate constantly changes, but very significant numbers of scientists dispute the 'accepted' reason that it is solely because of CO2.

Some 30,000 'hard sciences' scientists in the USA alone, mainly with PhDs , signed a public statement about 8 or 9 years ago that they do not agree that man and CO2 is causing warming. More than 50% of professional meteorologists dealing with weather forecasting on a daily basis are reported to be sceptics - but neither of those are as headline-grabbing for the MSM as 'we're all going to fry'. That rather exposes the '97% consensus' of what is in reality just a few hundred 'climate scientists' - the '97%' is, in any event, a manufactured figure and this has been demonstrated in a number of published papers which analysed it in great depth.

Consensus ! You will know that we are constantly being told that the “Consensus” is that CO2 causes global warming and that the “science is settled” – neither is true and neither is a valid claim as I’ll explain.

"Consensus Science" isn't science, it is proof of nothing - as Galileo demonstrated hundreds of years ago when sent to the Inquisition because his scientific view that the earth was round didn't meet the 'consensus' view that it was flat ! The problem that the climate change hypothesis has is that there is no empirical evidence (proof) that CO2 levels affect earth's temperature - in fact the contrary has been demonstrated by both the refusal of global temperatures to rise as predicted in line with rising atmospheric CO2 levels during the last 30 years and from paleo-climatic records.

The 'Scientific Consensus’ that CO2 increases global temperatures is as meaningless and as disproven by events as was the ‘Flat Earth’ consensus of Galileo’s day.

There is another fatal flaw with CO2 = Global Warming. The Paleoclimate records from ice cores show that CO2 levels Rise long After temperatures Rise and lag behind by 500 - 700 years. There has never been a period in Earth’s history where CO2 levels rose Before temperatures did – but we are asked to believe that has somehow been changed by CO2 that mankind emits. Al Gore claimed it was the other way round in his film An Inconvenient Truth but this was confirmed to be false by the High Court in London in October 2007 as one of 9 scientific errors the film contained.

Earth has had CO2 levels around 25 times Higher than today but that didn't cause any global warming at all and even at those levels there has never been the ‘Runaway Global Warming’ we are constantly threatened with !! So if Higher CO2 = Runaway Global Warming then we wouldn’t be here to worry about it as the earth would have been crisped millennia ago ! Warmer periods are followed by another ice age – that’s why the warmer periods are called interglacials, and we are in one at present.

Sceptical Climate Scientists with world class reputations have been sacked from universities for speaking out opposing the 'CO2 = global warming' hypothesis, Scientific Journals have been repeatedly leaned on and coerced to prevent sceptical scientific research papers being published - "Climategate" showed 'warmist' climate scientists boasting in emails of how they achieved this .

World renowned climate scientists have resigned from the IPCC process because it was publishing false and even fake science claimed as ‘peer reviewed’. In one famous instance, under political pressure, an IPCC report was changed from stating that there was “No Discernable Influence of Mankind on Climate” to the statement that there Was a discernable influence of mankind on climate. This was a key aspect in the political battle towards getting an unelected world government that the IPCC was set up to achieve. (See further down)

There is no doubt in my mind that Global Warming started, and continues, as pure politics as opposed to science, neither do I doubt that the politics has now been subsumed into a global business which is making £ billions every year from 'climate change' and spends a fortune to keep the frenzy going - and will do both for as long as the demonisation of CO2 can be maintained. (Al Gore made himself into a billionaire through it).

As someone famously quipped, Global Warming / Climate Change is all about money being taken from Poor People in Rich Countries and handed to Rich People in Poor Countries .... whilst global business creams off of the top !

I often find that understanding the underlying motivation and aims which underpin a subject is illuminating ...... and in this case that means looking at the politics .......quotes from the IPCC (below) help to illustrate and explain the political nature of "Global Warming".

Global Warming / Climate Change and CO2 started with Maurice Strong of the UN , UNEP and IPCC . He is credited as the founder of both 'Global Warming' and the IPCC, and as a matter of fact he did create both. If you check him out you will see his politics and what the intention was behind the idea of climate change and how it could be used to create an unelected world government - this was his second attempt after his earlier one to create a World Government through the UN failed. Neither attempt has seen Democracy as having any place in it. He was for decades working closely with and devising policies for various Secretary Generals. After some 40+ years involvement at the very heart of UN policymaking Strong was forced out and had most, if not all, of his honours stripped away over fraud involving oil money from Iraq and money disappearing (~$1m in one instance) from UN coffers into one of Strong’s companies. Worth checking him out .......

Strong then fled the West and sought refuge in China where his cousin had lived – she was a member of Comintern and had lived with Chairman Mao for 2 years. Strong was then well looked after in China where he had business interests and had for many years been close to the leadership as he had also been to the leadership of soviet and post-soviet Russia.
What was the IPCC set up by Strong to do ?
When considering anything about 'climate change' a key is to understand what the IPCC was set up for and what it's highly restricted remit is - and perhaps more importantly what is was set up Not to Do......... You can check this online very easily and will see that the IPCC was Not set up to find out if Global Warming was happening and If So What was Causing it , which is what most people believe the IPCC does.

No the IPCC was established with the sole mandated task to show how much Global Warming the 'man-made' emissions of CO2 was causing / going to cause - Not if CO2 could or would cause global warming because it had already decided to adopt that position without any empirical evidence to support it - and the reason for that is made clear by Strong below. As an aside the amount of CO2 emitted by mankind is a tiny percentage of the earth's natural CO2 emissions, it is so small that it is Less than the error bars of natural CO2 emissions, i.e. mankind's is less than the spread of potential calculation errors of the earth's own natural emissions ! Yet we are expected to believe that mankind's emissions drive the global climate and natural ones have no effect ! But that suspension of belief only begins to make 'sense' when it is viewed through the prism of the underlying intent of 'AGW'.

Nor was the IPCC set up to research and identify what has driven or controlled earth's climate over the millennia through ice ages and far hotter times than we have today -that is specifically excluded from its remit.

Science accepts that the Minoan Warm Period was around 1.5 - 2 deg C Hotter than today; the Roman Warm Period was around 1-1.5 deg C Hotter than today and warm enough to grow grapes as far north as Hadrian's wall; the Medieval Warm Period [MWP] was around 0.5 - 1 deg C hotter than today although more recently there have been attempts to suggest that we are as warm today as the MWP (which had no CO2 emissions !!).

The MWP was then followed by the bitterly cold, centuries-long Little Ice Age - in Elizabethan times and during following centuries Ice fairs were regularly held on the frozen river Thames in London with Ox Roasts on ice measured at up to 5 feet thick; carriages were driven along and across the frozen river ! In some winters ships in the North Sea are recorded as having been stuck in sea ice at 2 miles out to sea ! Years of bitter cold were interspersed with some hot summers but there were many periods of famine and significant numbers of people dying from the cold across the Northern hemisphere and into the southern hemisphere.

The Little Ice Age [LIA] continued through until the late 1870s and finished with a bitterly cold spell in the 1880s. The IPCC chooses not to work out why those periods were so much hotter and colder - without man-made CO2 around ..... it also chose to take the comparison period for warming as starting around 1890 when the earth was finally and quite naturally coming out of the depths of the LIA...... difficult not to find warming when earth is recovering from an mini ice age ! so quite a carefully chosen start point if you want to base claims on a small temperature increase ......

In much more recent years the IPCC changed the date of the start of Modern Warming to the 1950s and justifying it by the significant increase in CO2 emissions as nations’ economies and industries recovered and rebuilt after the 2nd world war. You might well question why would that be and a look at temperature records shows the new start date was also a cold period !! Since then CO2 emissions have risen every year and we have had periods of warming followed by periods of cooling leading to the current 20 year 'pause' in which there has been no 'statistically significant' increase in global temperatures, as even the IPCC accepts.

A quick caveat as there have been recent claims of the hottest or 2nd hottest year ever (etc) - these 'records' are often claimed by just thousandths of one degree but always fail to state that this temperature is subject to an uncertainty which might be Plus or Minus 1 degree C. Unaltered temperature records from the 1890s, 1930s, and 1940s from all over the world show Hotter temperature records than we have today. I say Unaltered because in the last 25 years or so NOAA / GISS and HADCRUT have revised the recorded temperatures from earlier years Downwards (Always Downwards) on 5 or 6 separate occasions - without that today's temperatures would not beat records of 100 years ago ! You can google all of that, and there are a number of people who have kept and publish the unadulterated original records so you can check for yourself. Contemporary newspaper articles and photographs of islands (now buried under ice) show a more ice-free arctic in the late 19th and early 20th centuries than we have seen in the satellite era !

Also worth remembering that Greenland was called Greenland because it was .... well, Green .... the Vikings had numerous settlements there that they farmed and fished from for centuries until temperatures cooled and as Greenland became ice-covered they were forced to leave. That is mirrored in the current slow retreat of some Alpine glaciers which are exposing villages which have been buried since medieval times and earlier.

Anyway back to the IPCC ....... and the POLITICS OF GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE

The IPCC was set up by Maurice Strong to use 'Global Warming' (seemingly his own invention) to achieve the aims he spells out below ..... BTW now renamed Climate Change because there has been no statistically significant warming for the last 20 years - that has now had to be publicly accepted by the IPCC - all the scare stories about 'projected' future temperatures are from climate models and every one of those has been completely wrong over the last 25 years - they have all failed to be able to model or predict future temperatures as well as failing hindcast predictive modelling of past temperatures - I could illustrate and explain that another day.

Below are some quotes from Strong and other leading figures in the UN and IPCC which show that we have a 'Global Warming / Climate Change' "crisis" solely for political reasons. These are widely reported across the web:

Strong's statements as widely reported across the web, explaining why he set up the IPCC and what it was to achieve
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that .. the threat of global warming.. would fit the bill…. the real enemy, then, is humanity itself….we believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or…. one invented for the purpose.” (Maurice Strong - speech to Club of Rome - and "invented" referred specifically to 'Global Warming')

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” . and those statements encapsulate what lies behind and is the reason for 'Global Warming / Climate Change" .

Ottmar Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015. "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole ...... We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy ........... the next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will be negotiated. "

As an aside to Edenhofer's statement if you research the Copenhagan Climate Conference, which came before Cancun, you will find that it's proposed Treaty wasn't ratified following the US refusal to do so - you will find in the Treaty Annex the clauses which would have created a Global Environmental body, a de facto World Government, under the UN with the power to set global policies which would over-ride any national environmental or economic policy .... it was to be unelected and unaccountable (as was the USSR) and it was this attempt at creating an anti-democratic embryo World Government that led the USA and other nations to refuse to sign it.

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution " That must be taken in the context of Strong's statements quoted above and the intent to de-industrialise which means a return to lifestyles of the 15th and 16th centuries.

Margaret Thatcher enthusiastically embraced the concept of 'Global Warming' , but did so as a Political Weapon - following the miners' strike she saw she could use 'Global Warming' as a way to end the domination of coal in the electricity market, switch to nuclear and prevent any future prospect of miners holding the country to ransom. She much later realised the disaster that this 'fake science' was causing and going to cause but by then she was in the last months of her political life. Her autobiography explains this.

The Paris Climate Conference was heralded and publicised as a breakthrough agreement which would limit 'Global Warming' to 2 deg C - it was widely touted that this meant an end to incresing CO2 emissions. But the public hype is very different to what actually was agreed !

What Paris actually agreed was that CO2 emissions would Increase by 46%++ between now and 2030 - that included China Doubling and India Trebling their respective emissions !! It was agreed that every nation could set its own future emissions targets through INDCs (Independent Nationally Determined Contributions), and these can be modified at will and so are not even legally binding.

That makes something of a mockery of the manufactured and ill-informed criticism of Trump taking the US out of Paris and praise for China taking a lead in 'reducing' emissions (not) - and not least because the USA has reduced its CO2 emissions % far more than other nation through the use of natural gas. China alone is building some 600 new coal fired power stations alone out of some 1600 currently planned around the world and plans a massive rise in its CO2 emissions as its INDC shows. 80% of both China and India's electricity is generated by burning Coal.

The height of irony is that in the last fortnight, whilst Macron castigated Trump, the USA and Coal fired power generation at COP23, the French economy was only kept going and their lights kept on by electricity generated in 4 UK coal fired power stations and shipped to them through the interconnector !! France was unable to meet it's own needs due to nuclear power stations being down or undergoing safety improvements.

The actual Agreement reached in Paris should raise the question in your mind - why if CO2 is believed to cause 'Global Warming' was the Paris Climate Agreement (and IPCC) quite content to see CO2 emissions Increase by 46% in the next 14 years ? The answer that springs to my mind is that they know it will have no effect on Global Temperatures and I'll explain and show you why in a follow up - that is if you would like me to !!

best regards

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If you have any thoughts comments or suggestions to improve this then please email them to climate@k39.co.uk - it was written in haste originally and so an E&OE statement should be applied !!

I will try and respond if requested but don't have a great deal of spare time - no abuse or spamming please as I will simply change the email address.